Wintertime Gag Grouper
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What a fantastic year we have had fishing for Gag grouper in the offshore waters of Tampa Bay and St.Pete Beach. Mike Eldridge and his family, Harris (dad), sons Seth, Alex, Will and Grandad Al got in on the grouper bite while it is still legal to harvest Gag grouper in the Gulf of Mexico. Starting January 1, 2011, Gag grouper will be off the list of fish that can be legally harvested in the Gulf of Mexico.
That aside, we had a great trip Wednesday with many Gag grouper coming over the rail. With water temperatures in the low 50’s I figured the bite would be slow, and then slower, I was wrong. We hit the first number in 45 feet and I was right about the “nothing bite”, moved about 2 miles and it was game on….like the summer bite! In about 40 minutes we had a box full of fresh Florida Gag grouper and grey snapper. I must admit that Will was the ‘angler of the trip’, at 6 years old, this kid could out-fish most grown men. Good job Will!
One of the most important rules to fishing is that patience can be your best friend. Alex Eldridge can attest. After several spots with just a few bites here and there, Alex brought in the big one….check him out in the pic above with a 20 pound Gag Grouper,..... way to go Alex !!!...This crew was one of the best I have had on my charter fishing boat. Everyone knew what to do when it was time to do it, especially Will, see ya soon kid! Happy fishing to ya, Capt.Dan
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