Tuna time
Monday, May 07, 2012
Monday, May 07, 2012
That's right, Tuna have invaded the local Tampa Bay waters, just off St.Pete Beach, and Jawbreaker fishing charters has been right in the middle of the action. We had the pleasure of fishing with some 'world-class' anglers this past Friday and Saturday, and the fishing was just right to match their skills. Jerry Peterson and Bill Long came from Idaho to finally experience sport fishing in the Gulf of Mexico...and what an experience it was!
We started both days in the same 55 feet of water, trolling for Kings, Cudas, Bonitos...Blackfin Tunas, yep...Tuna fishing in less than 60 feet, and they were chewing. And after putting 2 nice Blackfin in the box, and a few Kingfish, the Sharks started chewing as well. Big Bull Sharks in the 300 pound class, and a few smaller Spinner Sharks, Black-tips and Bulls, were just going ballistic on anything we hooked. The Tunas, I think, were just too quick and able to get away from these beastly predators, the Kings and Bonitos, surprisingly, were not so fortunate. I am sure that we fed at least 25 fish to the Sharks between the 2 days, and Bill even got to fight one for about 2 hours on 20 pound test line, before that monster was able to actually get into the running gear and reintroduce itself to freedom.
The big one that got away, oh well, that's what happens when you bring a knife to a gun fight. Anyway, check out Jerry with one of the many Blackfin Tunas we have managed to fool in the past few days...tight work Jerry and Bill, we look forward to seeing you guys again on the Jawbreaker....catching big fish! Happy fishing, Capt. Dan
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