Summertime Kings
Monday, July 04, 2016
Monday, July 04, 2016
Just like the title says...it's Summertime and the King fish bite is red hot just offshore St.Pete Beach and Tampa Bay. With massive schools of Spanish sardines and cigar minnows flowing in to the nearshore waters of Tampa Bay, these toothy speed demons just can't help themselves from being lured in too. King fish, Bonitos, Barracudas and Sharks have been the targeted species lately and, I must admit, when the fish are biting like they have been...it's pretty darn easy!
Ron Singh had plans for a nice little boat ride and some tight lines to entertain his co-workers this past week, and things went just as planned. The weather was perfect and the cloud coverage kept the temperature to a level we could all live with. The seas were also ideal for what I had in mind and 10 miles later we found ourselves surrounded by a beautiful, pristine Gulf of Mexico...man this is the life! Not another boat in sight and the water was boiling with bait fish.
After jiggling up a few dozen sardines it was time...time to put on a show for these fine folks, and a show they got! First bait in got smoked before 'bad' Brad could even get her in gear, and with line screaming off the reel at 60 miles an hour our clients just stared in disbelief. "Come on folks get your fishing face on now, we're here to do business," I told them, "looks like it's gonna be a busy day". And a busy day it was indeed. Brad literally could not get a second bait out, and it was King fish after Barracuda after King fish after Bonito, then Shark Shark Shark...King fish Shark, you get the idea. Non stop action.
The action lasted for hours without one dull moment. Check out our proud crew above with some of the days catch(from left)Heather, Ron, Jerry, Bo and Doug...way to go crew! Looking forward to the next trip, on the Jawbreaker....catching big fish! Happy fishing folks, Capt.Dan
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