Spring Break is here
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Springtime is here and there is no better way to celebrate than to go fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. As a matter of fact, Brian Simpson did just that, and brought along his grandson, Zach, and good friend, Fred. This was a first-time experience for these guys and they fell right into place from the get-go.
The weather has been absolutely perfect the past 2 weeks and Wednesday was no different. We left Pass-a-grille on St.Pete Beach at about 11:30 am for a 4-hour fishing charter. These guys wanted to do some trolling so we headed to the Egmont shipping channel to see if the Spanish mackerel have arrived yet. It didn't take much time to realize that the lack of bait in this area meant no 'macks'. Since we were in the vicinity of some nice grouper bottom, we decided to bottom fish as it would be much more productive. Check out Brian Simpson with the first Gag of the day!
Grouper, snapper, snapper, grouper....that has been the name of the game these days, but that is about to change. We are only a few more warm days away from the kick-off of the Spring Kingfish run. Catching a few small mackerel just outside of Pass-a-grille on the way in tells me that the big boys are right behind them. Call Jawbreaker fishing charters today...we are booking trips fast so don't miss out! Happy fishing to Ya, Capt. Dan
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