Sport fishing the best of Tampa Bay
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Sportfishing in Tampa Bay and the West Central Coast of Florida is really heating up. If you have ever wanted to tustle with the big game sea monsters that the Tampa Bay area has to offer...now is your time! Tarpon, Sharks, Cobia, Barracuda....even Kingfish are all on the hit list right now!
Yesterday's charter was a classic ole' school fishing trip with a mix of sport fishing for mackerel and Barracudas, and a little bottom fishing for the seafood combo. Brian Detweiler and sons, Greg, Chris and Jeff got exactly what they were looking for...and then some.
After a recent report from a very trustworthy Captain, and good friend(we'll just call him Dave), I didn't even pull back on the throttlle until we got offshore to spot 'A'. After a few passes around the area it was "fish on" and we put our first nice Spaniard of the day into the ice box, a respectable 2 pounder..yum! A few more circuits around the reef put another half dozen macks in the box and then the excitement began. The Barries showed up in full force, like a fleet of angry submarines....with teeth! All these boys could do was hang on and stay in the boat, and after 90 minutes of non-stop Cuda action, and a few sore arms...it was off to the snapper grounds.
Bottom fishing during the day of a full moon can be a real challlenge...this was not the case yesterday. Big Grey snappers and even a bonus Red Grouper made their way into the slurry. Hogfishing has been really good for our crew lately but for some reason they did not show up for us on this trip, but, the boys were happy and you know what that means. Happy Cappy! Check out first-mate Brad Whery(left) and Chris Detweiler(right)with a beauty of a Cuda..ready for the wall!! Tight work boys.
Jawbreaker Fishing Charters has been making folks happy since 2003...give us a call, book a trip and become a part of our growing list of repeat clients/friends. Happy fishing folks,Capt.Dan
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