Red Grouper - Fierce Fighters
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Hello Jawbreaker Fans. One of our favorite fish to target on the full day runs is Red Grouper! These strong fighters make for top table fare and frequent areas with red snapper, mangrove snapper, Lane snapper and vermillion snapper. Some fun facts about the Red Grouper:
* Red grouper can grow to 50 inches long and more than 50 pounds.
* They can live up to 29 years.
* The are protogynous hermaphrodites - which means they begin life as females transform into males after between 7-15 years.
* They spawn close to 26 times a year, from February through June.
* They are opportunistic feeders and will eat any convenient prey.
Book now to enjoy these fierce fighting fish! Til next time...
-Capt Chris and Capt Will
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