Red Drum Red Drum
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The nearshore/offshore fishing action is heating up as the water cools in the Tampa Bay area. King fishing has been nothing but productive on the Jawbreaker the past few weeks, with several 'bonus' fish to make for some good times and great memories. Let's just say, it's been more than enough to keep them coming back for more...great clients that is!
Once again, some familiar faces showed up on the Jawbreaker, Keith Micoli and crew...wife Thea, son Jack and future daughter in law(if Jack were smart) Chloe. These guys and gals were pumped up for some classic sportfishing and they got what they were looking for....and definetly what they deserved.
Giant Spanish mackerel in the 5-pound range were filling the box at a rapid pace when I noticed the Frigate birds circling overhead. A few more clicks forward and the water turned copper in color..yep, big bull Redfish in a massive feeding frenzy. We were obviously in the right place at the right time and there were fish literally jumping everywhere. Bonitos, King fish, mackerel and even Sharks were going nuts.....Fish On!!!!..and Giant Reds like the one pictured above...check out Brad Whery and Chloe with one heck of a Redfish! You go girl!
It was time to move on to the Kings and the boys bit well. 40 feet of water seemed to do the trick and after landing 5 'smokers' and a few more large macks, we were heading to the barn to cut some fish and tell some stories. Another great day with a great crew...catching big fish, on the Jawbreaker. This action should continue as we experience a warm Winter. Call Jawbreaker fishing charters today and get in on the action while it's here. Happy fishing folks, Capt.Dan
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