Post full moon Grouper fishing in Tampa FL
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
St.Pete Beach and the surrounding Gulf waters are still producing some nice Gag and Red Grouper in the shallows. Today’s charter fishing trip, out of Pass-a-Grille, St.Pete Beach, was on fire in the early day but slowly tapered off. Fishing for Grouper and Snapper, especially, is tough after a full moon. These bottom dwellers eat like pigs at night and usually sleep it off during the daylight hours.
We worked the 40-50 foot depths today figuring on a strong Gag grouper bite. On the first drop, Ron Bloom a.k.a. the Mayor was into a fight! Check him out with one of several fish that he put in the box..a stout Red grouper. His son, Lance, and son-in-law, Matt, were into a few big ones as well. Some of the bigger fish of the day were never seen as these big fish were quick to their rocky lair. The bite, as mentioned before, was good in the beginning and died off as the day went on. The juvenile Red grouper are definitely the story of the year. These little buggers are robbing 3 out of every 4 baits we throw down….blahh!!!...
Anyway, when you figure in the moon phase, the tides, the baby Red groupers and the beer-it was a good day. Just ask the Mayor! Hopefully they are taking advantage of the freshness of ‘day-caught’ Red grouper, Gag grouper, Triggerfish, Porgie and Snapper. And hopefully they will be thinking about Jawbreaker fishing charters for their next fishing trip in the St.Pete/Clearwater/Tampa area,…I think they will.
Book your next fishing trip with the Jawbreaker. We guarantee a great time. If the fish aren’t biting…we keep looking for the ones that will. Happy fishing, Capt. Dan
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