Living the dream Tampa style
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Don't tell James Seifert how to catch fish in the Gulf of Mexico, off the sunny beaches of St.Petersburg and Tampa Bay...he already knows! Check him out with one of the 12 keeper-size Gag groupers that he and fellow anglers Scott Dols and Blake Hamilton released on Saturday's full day fishing charter. Did I mention the Red groupers? Unfortunately we have to release all groupers right now. Come April, it will be a different story.
Anyway, these guys are not new to the Jawbreaker. Scott has been a loyal client-turned friend. He and James were ready to break in the new guy, Blake. This guy has Teret's Syndrome...no offense Blake, but you give 'drunken sailor' a new name. The fish were getting the best of Blake until the last stop. Until now, Scott was in the lead, but Blake cranked in Gag after Gag for about 30 minutes and definetley left the grouper chewing. Great job guys!!..
Call Jawbreaker fishing charters today. Find out what Scott and James have figured out in the charter fishing world. Attitude is everything! Happy fishing to Ya, Capt.Dan
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