Light tackle sport fishing near Johns Pass
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Steve Brigham, along with his lovely wife, Leslie, and son, Steve Jr., had front row seats to the recent fish show near John's Pass and St.Pete Beach. Big Kingfish, big 'spannys' and big mystery fish were the story of the day. These fine folks came all the way from Boston, Mass. to experience the beauty of St.Pete Beach, and the always active fishery that the Gulf of Mexico offers.
Check out Steve Brigham, first-mate Jon West and the Kingfish of Steve's new world...8-pound test peeps! Do the math...light gear, live bait, integrity....come kill 'em-on the Jawbreaker! Looking forward to next year Brigs', happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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The picture and your comments are right on target. My fantastic cousins had a GREAT time and the fish were/are delicious. Thanks.