King fish fishing remains in Tampa Bay
Monday, May 21, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
The King fish are still here in the offshore waters of Tampa Bay. Local wrecks and reefs, like the Betty Rose and the St.Pete Reef, are very good places to start if you haven't had your King fish fix this season. Craig 'Boz' Bozwick and his crew got theirs....for sure!
Pulling out of the boat slip in the rain, and knowing there was allot more to come, left me with few options to 'sneak' one in before the really wet stuff came. Surprisingly, we made it out to the Betty Rose and had a pretty good window of opportunity the get it done...and just like that, Fish On!!..Check out Mark with the first fish of the day, a smoker Kingfish....hell yeah! We must have caught the only one willing to eat though, because after 30 minutes of chumming and changing baits, and 'putting in our time', it was time to go. After a short jaunt out to an anchored tanker, it was game on once again. Big Bonitos ruled this particular haunt, but we did manage another decent King to the coffin. And literally folks, it was non-stop action for 3 hours in the same spot-and the crew from Miller/Coors Beer Co. had a trip to remember....on the Jawbreaker.
Kingfish, Cobia, Bonitos, Barracudas, Tuna, and the list goes on...their all on the menu now. Red Snapper will open on the 1st of June, Gag Grouper will open on the 1st of July and Jawbreaker fishing charters is your chariot in waiting...get off the couch and let's go fishing. Happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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