Hog Heaven, Tis the Season
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Hogfish, sometimes referred to as Hog Snapper, are actually a member of the wrasse family. They possess a long snout which it uses to root through the sandy bottom in search of crustaceans. Hogfish have traditionally been targeted by recreational and commercial fishermen by diving and the use of spear guns for harvest. But with the modern developments in fluorocarbon tackle with it's low visibilty have allowed anglers to rod and reel these finicky fish. Hogfish are typically caught with live shrimp and are quickly becoming a trophy fish among anglers. Easily targeted on a 6 or 8 hour trip, it's one of the Jawbreaker crews favorite target species. So book your trip today while the bite is Hot! Til next time...
-Capt Chris and Capt Will
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