Here come the Kings
Monday, October 30, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
King fish fishing in Tampa Bay is in full force once again, and Jawbreaker Fishing Charters is taking full advantage of the action. With water temps dipping down into the 70's and stacks of baitfish showing up on our local beaches...it's game time now!!..
Matt and Paige Badovick of Richfield, Ohio had a bang up time chasing Kings and Spanish mackerel on a recent fishing charter just 1 mile off St.Pete Beach. There is no shortage of whitebaits and Threadfins along the beaches, so finding and jiggling up a couple dozen baits should be as easy as 1-2-3. And guess what? If you found the bait...you are probably on the fish too. Start fishing right there.
Last week the water was very dirty from a recent cold front so using heavier wire was not a problem in fooling the Kings to our gaff. If the water cleans up, be prepared to go light as the King fish has very discretionary eyesight which can sometimes make them a tough predator to tame. Lighter tackle may end up in a heartbreaking cut-off but it will produce more strikes...the odds are up to you!
Check out 'bad' Brad Whery and Paige Badovick with another beauty of a King fish on the Jawbreaker. This action will be on the Jawbreaker menu until the Kings move on to their Winter homes down South, hopefully 6 to 8 more weeks. Call Jawbreaker Fishing Charters today and get in on a hot King fish bite with one of the best charters in the business. Happy fishing folks, Capt.Dan
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