Grouper and Snapper inside Tampa Bay
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Fishing for Grouper and Snapper inside Tampa Bay is one way to spend a 4-hour fishing charter, especially when weather won't allow for a trip out into the Gulf of Mexico. Our new friends from Wichitaw, Kansas made the right decision to head into the bay and fish rather than call the trip. Tampa Bay is full of Gag grouper, Red grouper, Mangrove snapper and Grey snapper right now.
We headed towards the big bridge in the thickest fog I have seen in some time. The channels are very narrow in those parts of the ICW and navigation that day kept me on my toes...also probably added a few more grey hairs to my head. Anyway, getting to the fishing spot was interesting and the 15 knot winds from the South reminded us of why we did not head offshore. Besides, when there is a good bite going on inside Tampa Bay, why go further?
After anchoring up on the rock piles that line the Egmont shipping channel we found instant action. The juvenile Gags were the first to show up, followed by the grunts. Throw in a few Red grouper and a couple of mangos and our charter seemed to be very pleased. Check out Kyle with one of his, released, keeper-size Gags. Between him,... Caleb and Skyler were tied with runner-up honors...not to mention, they caught all of the fixiings for a family fish-fry.
If you book a fishing charter with Jawbreaker fishing charters and the weather turns for the worst, we know where to go and what to do when we get there. We realize that people are traveling from all parts of the globe to go fishing in Tampa and St.Petersburg and don't want to hear about not going if there are options. There are always options at Jawbreaker fishing charters...just ask !!!... Happy fishing to Ya, Capt.Dan
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