Fishing the Gulf with Captain Will
Monday, January 28, 2019
Monday, January 28, 2019
Well, there is a season for everything and Jawbreaker Fishing Charters Inc. is no exception...just exceptional! One of Tampa Bay's top fishing guide services for over 15 years and counting. Introduce Captain William Ash, former deckhand now turned "the guy in charge".
A recent 6 hour fishing charter with some brand new clients and a brand new Capt. went very well. Capt. Will(a.k.a. wreck 'em Ralph) put these eager beavers on some wood that even a Woodchuck could not chuck. Big Red Groupers, Gags in the 'well above keeper slot', Porgies fit for a King and Grunts galore...no, I am not a writer looking for a gig in the funny papers...just one happy Cappy, knowing the show is being run the correct way.
Capt. Will put John Huleatt(shown above), and his crew of 5, on some great fishing and awesome eats this past week.. and the future is looking brighter everyday. With the nasty Red Tide out of the way, an incredible sport fishing boat(Jawbreaker) ready for season and a young and aggressive Captain Will...we have no boundaries! Check out Mr. John Huleatt with one of 6 chunky Reds caught on a nice 6hour excursion...Jawbreaker style! These guys got more than they expected, for sure.
Spring time is here folks, and you know what that means for Jawbreaker fishing charters. King fish, Hog Snapper and the list goes on. Come get ya some with the Jawbreaker fishing team. Happy fishing folks, Capt. Dan
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