Fishing for Tuna continues to please Tampa anglers
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
You gotta love it when the first fish of the day to hit the deck is a big Black fin Tuna. Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is always good, but the fishing lately has been stellar. Big Tunas, even bigger Sharks-I'm talking in the 200 pound class, and tons of Little Tunny a.k.a. Bonitos, to fill the empty spaces....oh, I almost forgot one of my favorites-Kingfish!
Anyway, you get the idea, and so did Jim Larson and his crew. These guys fought more fish in 6 hours than most people do in their entire lifetime...seriously folks. Check out Jim with his prize-winning first fish of the day. Good job J!...If you want to get in on some serious rod bending action-call now! Jawbreaker's book is filling fast and the fish are chewing as I type this, stop wishing and let's go fishing. Happy fishing folks, Capt.Dan
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