Farewell fishing for a man on a mission
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new era than go fishing That's what Brett Ruvolo did this past weekend, before tying the ultimate knot. With a little help from his family and friends, Brett left the 'ole single life with a bang. And he caught some fish too!
The Ruvolo's, and crew, definetly had a bang up day catching Gag Grouper, Red Grouper, King fish, Sharks, Snapper and Barracuda on a recent 'bachelor party' fishing trip. These guys knew how to party, and to our benefit, they knew how to fish as well. There was not a dull moment all day...thanks to Ed, Brett's future father-in-law. Ed kept us on our toes, to say the least, and was responsible for a Gag or two going into the box. Good times were had and the boys sent Brett out the right way...check him and his father, Greg, with an example of what fillled the box last Saturday....yummy Grouper, and lots of 'em.
Thanks again guys, we look forward to seeing ya'll next year....catching big fish! Happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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