Cheers to good fishing
Monday, April 03, 2017
Monday, April 03, 2017
The Tampa Bay area and offshore deep sea fishing is in full effect right now. Our fishing charters have been leaving St.Pete Beach at 7 a.m. and returning 4-6 hours later with a full days catch! We are talking non-stop fishing action on light tackle for Hog fish, fast trolling lures for King fish, Bonitos and Spanish mackerel and live bait fishing for monster King mackerel.
Last week we had some special guests on board the Jawbreaker fishing vessel who flew into Tampa for a little Florida sunshine...and a serious fishing session. Keith Devenish, long lost cousin to the Brennan clan, and his good fishing buddy, Jim were pumped up indeed. After spending a whole week fishing in the Florida Keys, they were anxious to compare experiences to an offshore adventure in the Gulf of Mexico...no pressure on the Jawbreaker crew, right? sidenote*we had young gun Kevin Barry Jr. with us, just to make sure we did it right.
After a quick ride out to the shipping channel, where we have been slaying the mackerels, we put lines in the water and it was instant...Fish on! And less than 10 minutes later we had our 6 keeper King fish in the box and heading for the snapper grounds. Man that was quick, these fish were no trophies but damn good eating size. "Boys, we're just getting started" and by the looks on their faces I could tell, at that point, we had a good shot at besting the Keys trip.
Bottom fishing did not disappoint either, the action was slow to start but steadily got better. Small size Mangrove snappers, Porgies, Seabass, Big grunts and of course, after burning through about 400 shrimp...the elusive Hog snappers made a good showing to round out a bad ass looking fish box! I know I was pleased with our catch, but not as much as I was to hear these guys both go on and on about how much better the fishing was than their Keys trip...success! Jawbreaker fishing charters folks, Happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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