Another limit of Kings in the Gulf of Mexico
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
School was definitely in session today in the Egmont shipping channel. King fish in the 8-12 pound range were literally swarming all over the 'ditch', and our new friends Dan, Beverly, Ed and Dianne had a blast teaching their limit of Kings how to fill the fish box. King fishing is in full effect and anyone with a rod and reel, and a few lively baits, are in business. Even the spoon draggers are catching their limit of 'snake' Kings anywhere there is saltwater.
Today was typical of my younger days-chasing King fish in the shipping channel. Ride out to the markers, 'sabiki' some live Sardines, Cigar minnows and Blue Runners and then start the troll. Moving along at a 1-2 knot controlled drift allows the bait fish to swim naturally...and the Kings can't resist. We were catching Kings as fast as Jon could deploy the bait and had 8 nice ones in the box before it was time to go home....damn!.., catch and release became the name of the game. It was still a hoot, and everyone got their share of a 4-hour fishing charter in the Gulf of Mexico...Jawbreaker style!!.. Check out Ed with a 'smoker' Kingfish...way to go Ed, looking forward to next year. Sidenote: Dan had to be the buddy that he is and help Ed reel that monster in, he wasn't in the picture because he was busy with another King on the other side of the boat,...that quick!!!...
Let's go people, now is the time to catch the King-and maybe the fish of your entire lifetime! Call Jawbreaker charters and we will put you on it if anyone can....guaranteed! Happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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