1 fish 2 fish Redfish Lu fish
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
It's always nice seeing familiar faces on the Jawbreaker fishing boat, and fishing with the Lu family is always a nice way to start the new year...or should I say, Lu year? Oh, and the fact that the Lus' always bring big fish to the boat!
This past week allowed for a little nearshore fishing along the beautiful beaches of Florida's West Central Coast. Specifically, St.Pete Beach this time, trolling for macks, Kings, Bonitos or whatever. Well, we caught some of all of the above, and Gregory Lu went really big on the 'whatever', if that makes any sense...
Dirty water didn't seem to make a huge difference in the catching, to my surprise. Finding and working the edges of the dirty-to-clean water seemed to be the trick in getting the Spanish mackerel in the boat, and though things were not on fire this time around, it was steady enough to keep the kids in check and on their toes. Check out 'bad' Brad, Gregory and John Lu with a monster Redfish that worked it's way into our offerings. A 20 minute battle, a few snapshots, a swift and successful release and it was all 'high fives" from there.
Winter time is upon us but it looks to be a very mild one. I would gamble that within 7 short weeks we will be back into Sprtingtime conditions, and the reel screaming excitement that comes with it. Right now we just have to work a little harder for the same great results. Thanks again to John Lu and family for their dedication to the Jawbreaker fishing team, looking forward to the next one! Happy Fishing, Capt.Dan
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